Good afternoon,

With some Fierté Fredericton Pride (FFP) Board members intending to step down and several community members showing interest in joining the Board, for the sake of transparency of process, the FFP Board is reaching out publicly to advise that a Board meeting will be taking place in the coming days to vote in new Board members to fill vacancies as per Bylaw 20, specifically items 20.2 and 20.3.

Here are those specific items in the Bylaws for reference:

*20.2 A vacancy on the Board of Directors (a “Vacancy”), however caused, may, so long as a
quorum of Directors remains in office, be filled by appointment from amongst the
Members of the Corporation.

*20.3 Any person appointed to fill a Vacancy, shall serve until the next AGM and may stand for
election at that time.

As such, applications to become a Director of the Board submitted before 11:59 PM on July 14, 2024 will be considered for directorship at this upcoming Board meeting.

Please feel free to apply after this timeframe as well. The newly appointed Board will be able to review and appoint new Board applicants.

Members of FFP are eligible to apply to become a Director of the Board. As per item 20.3, please note the membership as a whole will ratify board members brought on this way at the next AGM or special general meeting.

To become a member, please fill out the following application:

There is no longer a membership fee or waiting period to be eligible for directorship as per our updated Bylaws.

To apply to the Board as a Director, please fill out the following application:

Thank you for your understanding. If you have any questions in regard to membership, director eligibility or what board responsibilities entail, feel free to reach out via the chair[at]frederictonpride[dot]com.

Fierté Fredericton Pride