cw: mention of house fire

On June 16th, 2024, a devastating fire occurred at Amelia and Linsay’s rental home, while they were away from the house. While they are safe, and their two lovely cats were rescued from the fire, their home is no longer habitable. They have lost all of their belongings and their place to live. This is devastating.

Amelia and Linsay are amazing community organizers who do so much for the Fredericton 2SLGBTQ+ community. Amelia and Linsay both served on the Fierté Fredericton Pride board and look after ElderPride. They consistently give to others: time, resources, energy, generosity. They are constantly making space for others. They have taught so many of us in the queer community so much about how to organize and make space and show up for others.

It is an important time for us to show up for Amelia and Linsay. Please consider donating to help them get on their feet: finding a new home, 1st & last month’s rent, replacing furniture and belongings, and easing some of the financial burden of this unexpected and awful experience.

Thank you on behalf of Fierté Fredericton Pride for considering this request for support and to help out Amelia and Linsay, who have done so so much.

Donate here:

Keep an eye out for a fundraising event coming up in the near future!