Green background with olive branches. Text reads Grand Marshal Fredericton Palestine Solidarity.

Fierté Fredericton Pride is happy to announce that Fredericton Palestine Solidarity is our Grand Marshal for our Pride Parade taking place on Sunday, July 21st at 3pm.

We believe, as Fredericton Palestine Solidarity does, that queer liberation is Palestinian liberation.

We have taken the following actions to show our solidarity and support for Palestine and our Grand Marshal.

Fierté Fredericton Pride will not be accepting any sponsorships from businesses or organizations listed on the Canadian BDS Coalitions website. This extends to arms manufacturers as well.

We have also made the decision to refuse banks and other businesses listed on the Canadian BDS Coalitions site from marching in the parade. Military and arms manufacturers likewise are not permitted to walk in the parade.

Though UNB is not included on the BDS list, Fierté Fredericton Pride stands in solidarity with UNB students, faculty, alumni and staff activists asking for the university to disclose and divest from all Israeli investments and partnerships, as well as those with any arms manufacturers. As such, UNB as an institution is not welcome to march in the parade, but student organizations (sports teams included) are welcome to participate.

In terms of programming, we are hosting a panel on Queer Liberation and Decolonization featuring queer Palestinian panelist May (Queers for Palestine TO) on Wednesday, July 17 at 8:30pm via Zoom webinar.

We encourage community members who want to help to check out the fundraiser on our linktree, Crips for eSims for Gaza.

We also encourage community members to participate in the weekly rallies held by Fredericton Palestine Solidarity.

Keffiyehs and Palestinian flags are welcome throughout Pride Week. Any harassment towards community members wearing keffiyehs, Palestinian flags or otherwise showing their support for Palestine will not be tolerated.

Pride began as a riot and has always been about our interconnected struggle for liberation.

#noprideingenocide #noprideinapartheid